10 ways to improve your website SEO today
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential aspect of website development in today's digital age. With billions of websites on the internet, it's crucial to ensure that your website appears at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) to attract more visitors. SEO helps improve website visibility, credibility, and traffic, making it a vital tool for businesses and individuals looking to establish a strong online presence.
Five Must Haves for every About Page
The About Page one of the most important pages for a new visitor to learn about you and what your small business offers. Here are a five things to focus on when creating or updating your website’s about page…
Use GIFs to Capture Attention and Create Community
One of the biggest trends with social media these days is to create video. And with that video, sprinkle fun and supportive stickers, icons, and sparkles that help to get your message across.
14 tips to improve your instagram
It's no secret that instagram is a big deal in my world. I love how visually stunning pictures on instagram are, how perfect, and how engaging they can be. I have used instagram, successfully, for several businesses to help them grow. I have put together 14 tips to grow your instagram for business.
Inspiring Workspace
My dear friend Amber Hughes stopped by last week for some entreprenuer focused headshots and studio tour. She is really talented - helped me to feel at ease, carried herself professionally, and took some truly stunning photos of me and my little space.
a lot can happen in a year.
Last fall I sat down, played on the floor, and chatted about life with one of the loveliest people I am proud to call a friend - Jeanie Ow of Stu-di-o by Jeanie. She told me she wanted to document my process and help me show the world who I am. All of the pictures in this post were taken by her. I didn't know a photograph could make me feel so happy or beautiful until I saw her work.